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Main Stuff: About
me - My Cat - My Consoles - Pics / Media: Sprites - Gifs -
Midis / Sonic Stuff: Information - Cheats - Game Reviews / Misc.:
Links - Opinions - OS/1 ("OS" in TGF)
Welcome to the little corner of pages and images
on the Net known as my website! You get to learn about Sonic stuff, see
my cat, and other garbage such as gifs and midis.
Update Center:
Janurary 2nd: Well I got
this site up. I don't expect this to get updated often.
Janurary 5nd: It's my mom's birthday and I have 3 pages made.

Well you reached the end of this page my friend.
My AOL IM Screen Name is firefawxcinnamon
This page was made in 1024x768 but was also designed for 800x600.
This page was created on December 27th 2002 and the latest update was
sometime today (hopefully)
Email me!
As usual, this page is Under Construction, made by a cat
person, and this is hosted by