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As you can see, this is my
cat. His name is Oreo, he turned one year old in December, and he's a
sweet, loving mushball
who sometimes goes absolutely
crazy at nighttime.
Like I said, he's one year
old and a sweet cat, but there's more. His favorite food is Fancy Feast
(not counting treats, then it's Temptations) and likes sleeping and
The Family
Not only that, Oreo has siblings. From a couple of videos, there are
Oreo, his brother Wiz, 3 sibling cats, and their mother, Linda. I don't
know Oreo's dad at all, but I think he looks like Oreo.
More Oreo Photos

Also the cat on the right on both the left and right pictures is Wiz.

Well you reached the end of this page my friend.
My AOL IM Screen Name is firefawxcinnamon
This page was made in 1024x768 but is also (somewhat) designed for
This page was created on December 27th 2002 and the latest update was
sometime today (hopefully)
Email me!
As usual, this page is Under Construction, made by a cat
person, and this is hosted by